The utmost care should be taken at all times with school-issued uniforms and any damage caused to the uniform will be the family’s financial responsibility. Fittings for uniforms occur in the evenings during the first full school week of September.
Students not dressed according to the following dress codes will not be allowed to perform, resulting in no credit for the performance. Families who need help acquiring any uniform item should contact the directors for assistance. We NEVER want students to miss an opportunity due to financial hardship. We can help with advance notice!
Marching Performances
All band students will wear the following uniform for marching performances.
West Band marching band uniform (provided)
band shako w/plume (provided)
black gloves (provided)
black shoes (must be ALL BLACK - absolutely no heels or open-toed shoes allowed)
long, calf-length ALL BLACK socks
warm items to wear under uniform during holiday parades (headbands are provided)
These must not be visible outside of the uniform. Long underwear and under-armor work well. No earmuffs, winter hats, or scarves.
The marching uniforms are housed at Oshkosh West and handed out prior to each performance. Following these performances, all marching uniforms must be returned to West High School. When wearing a uniform, students must wear the entire outfit. The uniform is either worn in its entirety or hung on a hanger.
Concert Performances
Concerts are formal events and must be treated as such. The following are the types of concert dress that we utilize. Students and families are notified of the dress code well in advance of the performances.
Concert Black
Please choose from the following items. Each item must be ALL-BLACK in a semi-formal style. The items listed below DO NOT fit the dress code if they are not ALL-BLACK.
ALL-BLACK button-down shirt
ALL-BLACK polo shirt
ALL-BLACK sweater
ALL-BLACK blouse
ALL-BLACK dress pants
Please pair long, calf-length ALL-BLACK socks, ALL-BLACK dress shoes, ALL-BLACK leggings, and/or ALL-BLACK hosiery as appropriate.
The following items do not fit in the dress code, even if they are all black.
shorts (even if they are “nice”)
tennis shoes
crocs, flip-flops, sandals, or slides
Take a look at this presentation for the dos and don’ts of “Concert Black” concert attire.
“Dress Nice”
Please choose from the following items. Each item may be any color in a business casual style.
collared polo shirt
collared button-down shirt
khaki pants
“nice” dress shoes
The following items do not fit in the dress code.
tennis shoes
crocs, flip-flops, sandals, or slides
Take a look at this presentation for the dos and don’ts of “Dress Nice” concert attire.